
ONEDR &Sustainability: next level

ONEDR products are produced sustainably to the maximum extent possible. But what does that mean in concrete terms?

First of all, our items don't come from the Far East, like almost all fashion products you can buy. Everything for ONEDR is made in Europe: in Italy and Portugal. This means short travel distances for the items, and therefore a limited CO2 footprint. ONEDR therefore does not have to go to any lengths to come up with compensation measures. Because let's be honest, prevention is better than extinguishing, right?

Working conditions also have an important influence on sustainability. There is no uncertainty about this at ONEDR. These are good, even if you are not around to check them, because the working conditions in Italy and Portugal are in accordance with EU requirements and legislation.

In addition to working conditions and the CO2 footprint due to transport, the materials and the way they are made are an important factor. The focus is on minimal CO2 emissions and minimal water use, with as much reuse as possible of processing materials (including water) and the recycling of materials.

In addition, where possible, our manufacturers work more sustainably than the European standard. For example, the factory where ONEDR shoes, which are made in Portugal, has won a sustainability award.